Steel: From Mine to Mill, The Metal that Made America
Brooke Stoddard and I decided to create a 2nd Edition of Steel after the first hardback edition completely sold out. I met Brooke at a business group some years ago. He is a favorite writer of mine, on topics of Winston Churchill, and the fascinating story of how steel transformed human existence. His writing pulls you through. Terrific.
Steel traces the story of iron from early times up to today. Brooke visited open pit iron mines, traveled on a Great Lakes ore boat, stood next to flaming liquid iron flowing from a blast furnace, and walked half-mile-long rolling mills where semi-solid steel was pressed into sheets and slabs. No other book compares in cracking the door open to steelmaking’s astonishing history and industrial wizardry. The world leapt into the modern age with railroads, skyscrapers, ocean liners, bridges and combustion engines. Steel created a new kind of civilization.
Steel has a bibliography, glossary, and is full of great photos and graphics.