Yellow Dot Shop
Artistic expression, playful greetings, good books.
These are things that make life fun!
Yellow Dot Shop is owned and operated by Ellen Hamilton in Alexandria, Virginia. Ellen sells items that she prints, makes or buys on this website, and at outdoor markets and events in Alexandria. She sells year round and can usually be found on lower King Street in Summer, and at West End Market in Winter. Special events are posted as they come up.
Yellow Dot Shop carries gifts and Alexandria-themed items including greeting cards, scarves, hats, printed shirts and hoodies, purses and bags, original prints, history books, note pads, ornaments and more.
Printed items are designed and produced by Ellen Hamilton. She also carries books by local authors on history and topics for our region. We carry Ellen's own book, "A Scottish Migration to Alexandria."
Ellen is now working on releasing the documentary film that she made, telling the story of "A Scottish Migration to Alexandria." You can visit the Patreon page to see Ellen's latest posts on history and British pie baking, and if you sign up for free as a member, you will get an alert once the film has been posted on the Patreon page. Visit https://www.patreon.com/c/YellowDot
You can sign up to receive Ellen's monthly email newsletter at the bottom of the home page at yellowdotshop.com. See where she will be next on the home page under Markets and Events, or in the footer of this website.
Books, greeting cards and printed items can be ordered wholesale. See yellowdotpublishing.com.
About Ellen
Ellen's background is the arts. She has a bachelor of fine art from VCU, and an associates degree in Graphic Design from NOVA. After years of working as graphic designer, she opened Yellow Dot Designs in 2007. Her book and film project began in the mid 2010s and lasted five to seven years. Once she published the book, she started this online retail shop, Yellow Dot Shop. Soon she was selling at local markets in Alexandria.
Ellen still designs and handles the printing for books and more. Visit yellowdotdesigns.com or email ellen@yellowdotdesigns.com.
No Plastics!
We aim to use no plastics in the packaging. Paper and cellophane are biodegradable, so card and items are wrapped in those materials. Products ship from Alexandria, Virginia.